Wake Stone Corp. plans to create a rock quarry on 105 acres it has leased from Raleigh-Durham International Airport.
Now opponents of the quarry say they’ve discovered a 48-year-old surveying error that reduces the airport’s property by as much as 14 acres. They say that land was purchased by the National Park Service in 1937 and turned over to the state a few years later for what is now William B. Umstead State Park, according to a report on Yahoo News.
They say the error was made in 1976 when RDU purchased what’s known as the Odd Fellows tract for a runway project that was never carried out. The survey placed the northern boundary of the Odd Fellows property more than 120 feet too far north, essentially transferring a long strip of park land to the airport, said Jean Spooner, who heads The Umstead Coalition.
The group has asked the airport and the state to have the land resurveyed to determine the actual boundary.
Read the full story on Yahoo News.