MSHA Launches Silica Dust Initiative

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) has launched a new enforcement initiative to “better protect the nation’s miners from health hazards resulting from repeated overexposure to respirable crystalline silica.” MSHA said that silica dust affects thousands of miners each year and, without adequate protection, miners face risks of serious illnesses, many of which can be…

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NASA Selects Three Universities to Develop Lunar Infrastructure Tech

By Mark S. Kuhar Three U.S. university-led proposals have been selected by NASA to develop technologies for living and working on the Moon, from using lunar resources for construction to developing electronics that can work in the Moon’s extremely cold temperatures. “Creating the technologies we need to explore the Moon requires leveraging expertise from and partnering with academia and industry…

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Haul Trucks and Hammers Aren’t Mines

Does MSHA Have Jurisdiction Over Them Forever, Wherever They Go And However They Are Used? By Brian Hendrix If a haul truck or a hammer is used for mining or used at a mine, does MSHA have jurisdiction over them forever, wherever they go and however they are used? Put differently, does “jurisdiction follow equipment if it travels away from…

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Stay Hydrated in Hot Weather

June 24, 2022 – It’s hot out there, and in the quarry, they are working hard. National Hydration Day is recognized on June 23 to remind us that hydration is vital to our health and wellbeing. While staying hydrated may seem like a simple task, lack of hydration can lead to heat illness, heat stroke and even death. Staying hydrated is especially important…

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