Renewable Lubricants introduced Bio-Rock Drill Oils, ultimately biodegradable vegetable oils formulated with anti-wear/EP, rust, and oxidation inhibitors for the protection of rock drills, jackhammers and other pneumatic equipment.
Designed to emulsify water for improved lubricity in moist conditions, these unique formulations provide extra adhesiveness and anti-misting. They are available in several viscosities including ISO 46 (10W20), ISO 68 (10W30), ISO 100 (15W50), and ISO 150 (20W60). Performance is enhanced by use of the Stabilized HOBS’s natural composition, which provides an oily boundary film.
The super high viscosity index of the Stabilized HOBS naturally improves the high temperature shear stability and fluid film strength between metal surfaces. Renewable Lubricants’ Bio-Preferred products provide exceptional protection in equipment subject to extreme heavy shock loads, and excessive moisture or water spray.
Given the direct danger of polluting the air, water and soil due to lubricant loss, bio-based, Bio-Rock Drill Oils are safer for the environment than petroleum-based lubricants.
With a higher VI than synthetics (Energy Conserving Formulas), Bio-Rock Drill Oils have improved thermal shear stability and increased load capacity. Their extremely low volatility increases the flash and fire safety features, making them safer for employees to use.
They meet EPA 21013 Vessel General Permit (VGP) guidelines for Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EALs) and should be used in hydraulic systems where low toxicity, biodegradability, and non-bioaccumulation properties are required. They exceed the acute toxicity requirements (LC-50/EC-50>1000 ppm) criteria adopted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. EPA. Environmentally responsible Bio-Rock Drill Oils are formulated from renewable agricultural plant resources.
With patented antioxidants (Stabilized), these biosynthetics provide improved performance in oxidation stability over standard plant/vegetable/HETG and unsaturated HEES-type fluids.
They are highly inhibited against moisture and rusting in both fresh and sea water, and pass A and B sequences of the ASTM D-665 Turbine Oil Rust Test. Formulated to provide a longer seal life with reduced oil leakage, this environmentally friendly, zinc-free product meets or exceeds high-pressure pump requirements.
Renewable Lubricants,