Proposed MSHA Rule Targets Mobile Equipment

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) announced a proposed rule requiring mine operators that employ six or more miners to develop a written safety program for mobile equipment and powered haulage equipment (except belt conveyors) used at surface mines and surface areas of underground mines.

The written safety program would include actions mine operators would take to identify hazards and risks to reduce accidents, injuries and fatalities related to surface mobile equipment. Under this proposal, mine operators would have flexibility to develop and implement a written safety program that works best for their mining conditions and operations. 

MSHA would provide assistance in the development and improvement of safety programs for mines employing five or fewer miners. Also, MSHA would encourage state grantees to focus on providing training to address hazards and risks involving surface mobile equipment in small mining operators.

This is one of several actions MSHA has taken to reduce fatal and nonfatal injuries involving surface mobile equipment used at mines and to improve miner safety and health.

The proposed rule can be viewed at Public comments are solicited until the comment period closes on Nov. 8.

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