AED Foundation Recognizes Eaton RESA Program


The AED Foundation (AEDF) announced the recognition of the Heavy Equipment Technology Program at Eaton Regional Education Service Agency (RESA) located in Charlotte, Mich.

“We are pleased that Eaton RESA has chosen to demonstrate its commitment to academic excellence and continuous improvement through the process of recognition, and I would like to thank longstanding AED member AIS Construction Equipment Corporation, which houses the program and is instrumental in its success,” stated AEDF Executive Vice President and COO Jason Blake. “AEDF high school recognition signifies to equipment industry stakeholders that your school has achieved a level of excellence. This is based on meeting secondary school technical standards developed with your AED Foundation accredited sponsor and the diesel technology department at Lansing Community College. These standards align with The AED Foundation’s national post-secondary construction equipment technology standards.”

For a high school to achieve recognition, the school must partner and work with an AED Foundation accredited college program as well as the local equipment industry to develop curriculum and needed resources. This also involves an articulation agreement whereby high school students can receive college credit. The program is a “community-based, school-to-work” plan, where local dealers, colleges, high schools and industry stakeholders work together as a task force to meet mutual needs. AEDF began recognizing high school diesel-equipment technology programs with its AED Foundation High School Program Recognition initiative in 2017.

“We are excited the Eaton RESA program is now AEDF recognized through our sponsoring AEDF accredited school, Lansing Community College,” stated Anthony Wieber, lead instructor of the Heavy Equipment Repair Technician Program at Lansing Community College and instructor at the Eaton RESA Heavy Equipment Technology Program. “This opportunity affords our students exponential career opportunities in the construction industry.”

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