Atlas Sands Executives Featured on Local News

Atlas Sand Monahans’ Plant Manager Moe Connell told Your Basin the demand of frac sand has been on a steady rise, hand-in-hand with the demand for oil and gas.

“That’s what has created the opportunities for companies to operate here in the Permian Basin,” said Connell.

He said the industry cracked the case a couple of years ago, when they discovered an abundant amount of high-quality frac sand in the Basin.

“After extensive testing of the sand,” explained Connell, “that it meets the requirements of the work that’s happening here locally. It’s really helped create a new business here in the Permian Basin.”

Atlas Sand Vice President of Human Resources Kirk Ginn said the Permian Basin used to import a lot of frac sand from other areas. However, producing in the Basin has helped fracking companies cut their operation costs in half.

“Because the price of transportation to bring sand from other parts of the country is so expensive,” said Connell.

Both Connell and Ginn said the frac sand industry has been vital to the oil and gas industry. And as long as the oil and gas industry thrives, they will be in business.

“All these local communities are used to the booms and the busts. But what’s happening is the sand providers are allowing a more secure type of job and they’re also allowing more jobs for those that grew up here. And hopefully we can ensure that they stay here and raise their families here,” said Ginn.

Watch the interview here: