AEM Supports Safety Week

Safety is a priority focus for the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) and its member companies: AEM supports and encourages industry participation in safety awareness outreach, including three events during the beginning of May:

Every year, more than 80,000 workers suffer an injury on the construction worksite, and falls are the top cause of construction fatalities.

Adequate and proper training can play a positive role in fostering safety 365 days of the year. “Operator safety is paramount, of course, but added benefits include increased worker productivity, less downtime from accidents and fewer repair costs from improper maintenance,” noted James Vos, AEM safety materials manager.

AEM is active in many organizations, coalitions and programs advancing safety, and it also produces an extensive series of more than 50 safety manuals, videos and related safety and training products, with select materials available in Spanish and other languages. Visit

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