Companies Call for Net-Zero Investment

July 16, 2021 – Forty-one leading companies, including Holcim, called on Congress to prioritize investments that can accelerate the transition to a resilient net-zero economy in any infrastructure legislation. The companies, in a joint statement organized by the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES), cited the physical and economic risks posed by climate change, which have already begun to critically…

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New Study Warns of Changing Climate’s Impact on Midwest Infrastructure

As intense weather events batter U.S. coastal cities and offshore islands, a new study from the Midwest Economic Policy Institute warns that the threat of climate change extends much farther inland, with potentially devastating impacts on transportation and infrastructure systems across the Midwest.

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CEMEX Stakes Position on Climate Change

CEMEX, S.A.B. de C.V. staked its position on climate change, by reaffirming its commitment to the recently signed Paris Agreement. CEMEX said it agrees with the vast majority of the scientific community that the benefits of mitigating global warming will by far outweigh any costs to achieve this goal, and welcomes the ambitious targets, the bottom-up commitments from signatory Countries,…

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