With rising production costs and rigid specifications, it takes heavy-duty vibrating equipment to meet the challenge – big-capacity, cost-cutting, hard-working Deister screens and feeders – customized to fit the application. Ruggedly built and requiring minimal maintenance, Deister screens and feeders deliver dependable production even under the most adverse operating conditions or when handling the most abrasive materials.
Deister engineers talked with producers about specific screening and feeding solutions at ConExpo-Con/Agg. Attendees received an up-close look Deister’s extra heavy-duty triple-deck inclined vibrating screen – and its heavy-duty horizontal triple-shaft vibrating screen.
Since 1912, the family owned Deister Machine Co. has been recognized for building innovative vibrating screens with superior quality. Its heavy-duty equipment ensures reliable day-to-day performance. Units are designed with extra protection at all vital points, and extra-heavy duty bracing and frame members that ensure long vibrating frame life.
Deister engineers ensure that every screen and feeder is designed to deliver greater efficiency while lowering operating costs-per-ton. Deister equipment is American-made and backed with 24/7 parts and service support, and a dedicated dealer network.
Deister Machine Co. Inc., www.deistermachine.com