It Was a Change Election

What Will The Department Of Government Efficiency Do With MSHA? By Brian Hendrix A few months ago, I said I would explain what the Supreme Court’s decision this year in SEC v. Jarkesy may mean for certain types of cases under the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act. Much has changed since then, so I’m going to cover Jarkesy in…

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AED: In Canada, Liberals Retain Minority Government

The Canadian federal election has come and gone, and the results appear to be very similar to those of the 2019 election, according to an analysis by Associated Equipment Distributors (AED). While there are still races that are too close to call, the Liberals have secured another minority government. The current tally has the Liberals at 158 seats, (up three…

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NSSGA’s Johnson Weighs In

Nov. 10, 2020 – National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA) President and CEO Michael Johnson issued the following statement on the outcome of the 2020 elections: “NSSGA commends a record number of citizens for exercising their right to vote and congratulates the winners of this historic election. The strength of ROCKPAC and the active engagement of our members in the political process…

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Association Heads Comment on Presidential Election

The National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association’s (NSSGA) President and CEO Michael Johnson issued the following statement on the outcome of the 2020 elections: “NSSGA commends a record number of citizens for exercising their right to vote and congratulates the winners of this historic election. The strength of ROCKPAC and the active engagement of our members in the political process served to…

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AEM Survey Reveals What is on Mind of Manufacturers

The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) released the findings of its most recent CEO survey. The survey, the third in a series of surveys that AEM has conducted since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, asked executives of leading equipment manufacturing companies to weigh in on the job that President Trump and the 116th Congress have done to support the…

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There’s No Debating This

Oct. 23, 2020 – Last night was the second and final debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. While many are praising the debate participants for a particularly vigorous exchange – in direct contrast to the first time they came together – I do find it disappointing that America’s infrastructure was not on the agenda. Yes, the…

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