This will be the last safety column by Randy Logsdon, as he has accepted appointment by the governor of New Mexico to the position of state mine inspector. We thank him for his contributions to Rock Products. – Ed.
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Hazard Appreciation
The Visual Literacy Approach Applies A Systematic Approach To Seeing. “If it was a snake, it would have bitten you.” That’s the colloquial expression I heard often as I was growing up. It was a favorite response when I was searching for something that was in clear view. It’s meaning, while still figurative, comes much closer to literal when we…
Read MoreBless Their Hearts
Even With Best Intentions, it is Easy to Compound a Problem Rather Than Solve it. Randy K. Logsdon
Read MoreIs ‘Good Enough’ Really Enough?
It was a hot and humid spring day and the three-man crew had just changed out the gear case on the secondary crusher in record time. Best of all, no one got hurt – not even a busted knuckle. The lead mechanic, Dave, had directed the entire operation and was anxious to test-run the crusher.
Read MoreMouse Trap
As we proceed through a normal day we expect to encounter a certain amount of hazards. Most of these present low level risks and most are subject to control systems that are already in place and active. Just the same, we should pay attention to these as they occur (and whenever possible in advance). One of the tools that I…
WARNING: The content of this column contains another sports-safety metaphor! At a recent informal gathering of mine leadership, the discussion turned to a retrospective assessment of the company’s performance over 2015 and (in turn) a predictive analysis of expectations in 2016.
Read MoreToward Universal Compliance defines “compliance” as: the act of conforming, acquiescing or yielding. a tendency to yield readily to others, especially in a weak and subservient way. conformity; accordance: in compliance with orders. cooperation or obedience: Compliance with the law is expected of all. The applicable definitions of “safety” are: the state of being safe; freedom from the occurrence or risk of injury, danger. the…
Read MoreAdapting to Change
On Sept. 24, 1960, I sat on the living room floor and intently watched the final episode of Howdy Doody. As an 8-year-old boy, Howdy Doody was the highlight of my Saturday morning ritual and I was devastated. The trauma was exacerbated when my 14-year-old brother explained that the program was canceled because Howdy (the show’s namesake marionette) was infested…
Read More‘Stuff’ Happens
The whole point of a safety and health program is to implement processes and systems that serve to prevent those undesirable events that lead to injuries and damage to property or interruptions. In a perfect world our programmed safety and health initiatives would work flawlessly. No injuries would occur, breakdowns would be eliminated and our production, maintenance and service operations…
Read MoreTurk’s* Take
By Randy K. Logsdon It was a voice from the past. I turned and looked upon a face that seemed vaguely familiar. “Turk?,” I asked. “Yes, it’s me,” was the response. “How long has it been?” We found a table, sat down and began to reminisce.
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