Site development has begun in Scott Township on a washing and screening plant to harvest raw sand and gravel.
Glacial Sand and Gravel Company, a Snyder Brothers Inc. subsidiary based in Kittanning, will construct the Glacial 60 Mine on the Martin Farm owned by Dennis and Jerry Martin. Mine construction will begin in winter and finish in spring, according to Snyder Associated Cos. corporate secretary Mark Snyder.
Attempts to reach the property owners were unsuccessful. The site is located beside Alpine Trail Vet Clinic on Harlansburg Road.
Snyder Brothers Inc. contracted with CH+N Site Construction to develop and prepare the site according to state Department of Environmental Protection guidelines. The permit allows the contracting company to complete earth disturbance activities such as cutting and filling the site and building the haul road from the entrance. Development began July 29 and is expected to last about three months, site Superintendent Josh Clawson said.
Read the full story in the New Castle News.