May 28, 2024 – The Mine Safety and Health Administration is once again targeting mobile equipment. MSHA reported that since 2020, six miners have died and 61 have suffered lost-time injuries from being struck by mobile equipment in underground production areas. MSHA recommends the following best practices to avoid this type of accident:
- Mine operators should evaluate currently available and emerging technologies, such as Proximity Detection Systems, and consider adopting them to enhance safety.
- Slow down and sound audible devices when approaching hazardous areas and before proceeding through ventilation curtains or flypads, intersections, and blind corners.
- Always communicate your position and intended movements to mobile equipment operators and wait for their acknowledgement before moving.
- Wear reflective clothing and lighted visual indicators, such as strobe lights.
- Install and maintain clear ventilation curtains or flypads in all intersections.
- Provide hand-held radios for persons on foot or when dismounting a vehicle; make sure these devices are used.
- Minimize pedestrian traffic in known haulage routes.