Many applications in the bulk goods and material-handling industry include abrasive environments with large temperature fluctuations and rough operating conditions. To meet these formidable challenges, Nord has engineered solutions that are robust, reliable and easy to service. Their modular product system includes heavy-duty industrial gear units, high-efficiency electric motors with hazard protection features and variable frequency drives with flexible functionality.
Nord’s line of electric motors are highly efficient, extremely robust and significantly reduce energy costs, the company stated. Synchronous and asynchronous versions are available and are compatible for use with Nord’s full range of gearboxes and variable frequency drives for maximum application flexibility.
To enable safe operation in harsh conditions of the bulk goods industry, explosion protection options are available to protect drive systems where there is a dust or gas explosion hazard. Nord motors are also highly configurable and feature options such as brakes, encoders, external cooling fans, thermal protection and various connectivity solutions.
Nord variable frequency drives can be controlled individually to intelligently meter, weigh, and adjust mass flow for precise, dynamic bulk goods infeed control with fewer backups and breakdowns. Nordac Flex VFD’s provide maximum flexibility with performance up to 30 hp, fully scalable functions, and easy parameter transfer via Eeprom memory.
These drives feature functional safety options, an integrated brake rectifier for motor brake control, parameterization via plug-in control module, and high precision regulation. They can also be implemented with customer-specific process requirements such as automatic blockage detection/elimination and automatic mass flow regulation.
Nordac Pro SK 500E variable frequency drives offer a compact, cabinet mounted solution with a wide range of functionality. These intelligent drives enable soft starts and stops with high level precision and sensor-less current vector control ensures constant speeds even with fluctuating loads. They are compatible with asynchronous and synchronous motors with rated powers of 0.33 to 200 hp and include four switchable parameter sets, an integrated brake chopper, functional safety options, and 200% overload reserve for greater operational safety in cranes and lifting gear.
Whether it’s conveying, weighing, metering, storage, or loading/unloading, Nord’s modular product system offers a wide range of options to meet bulk goods application needs while still delivering a cost-effective solution.