Concrete Crushing Operation Opposed
A permitted concrete-crushing operation is causing community complaints in Medina, Ohio. At issue is ongoing dust and noise problems at Osborne Concrete.
The city is awaiting results of an analysis by Labyrinth Management Group, which has taken dust samples from the air to test for silica.
Jonathan Mendel, the city’s community development director, said at a City Council meeting that the results of the analysis are “imminent.” Neighbors of the plant are hoping those results come sooner rather than later, and that the process of bringing a conditional zoning certificate request before the Planning Commission won’t take much longer, according to the Medina Gazette.
Medina Law Director Greg Huber noted that the company is located in an area zoned for industrial use. The city has only one industrial classification, which covers both light industry and heavy manufacturing. But some heavy manufacturing uses require conditional zoning certificates.
The city has been in litigation with another local company over rock crushing for several years now, and a Medina County Common Pleas Court judge just recently agreed that such an operation requires a conditional zoning permit, Huber said.
Minnesota Quarry Faces Blasting Issues
The city of Mankato, Minn., conducted an investigation into the use of explosives at Jefferson Quarry and has determined there was no negligent discharge of explosives in the quarry on April 25. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) continues to classify the event as a blast, according to KEYC news.
Per city code, blasting permits for the Jefferson Quarry were suspended for 60 days, which is the maximum allowed. As part of the investigation, additional quarry operations issues were identified as storm water permitting, security, boundary issues and reclamation plan.
Jordan Sands commissioned an independent report. The city of Mankato has entered into an operating agreement with Jordan Sands to permit blasting in the quarry with several conditions which include all blasting in the quarry will end by Dec. 29, 2017. Blasting is limited between 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Strong Opposition to Canadian Plant
The Eaglet Lake Farmers’ Institute (EFLI) is fighting to stop construction of a lime plant and accompanying quarry near Giscome, British Columbia, Canada, despite the project passing a provincial environmental assessment. Graymont has submitted applications to the Agricultural Land Reserve and the Major Mines Permitting Office, and EFLI hopes to have it stopped at one of those two points.
The EFLI scored a minor victory when it was able to extend the agency referral period by a month over confusion about whether the project remained subject to an ALR application, according to the Prince George Citizen.
Graymont wants to remove land for a conveyor to transfer the raw product from the quarry, about 400 meters from the edge of Eaglet Lake, to the plant, 4.3 km away. Allowing land to be removed for the conveyor may be the better of two options considered, the other being to haul the raw material by truck. In a submission to the board, Graymont said both were extensively evaluated and though a conveyor is initially more expensive, it would produce less fugitive dust and emissions than would trucks.
Protestors File Suit to Prevent Aggregates Operation
Opponents of a proposed gravel mine operation near St. Clair, Mo., are going to court. Kim Lynch, Nick Norman, Hootie’s Rescue Haven and the Citizens for the Preservation of the Meramec River LLC have filed a suit in Franklin County Associate Circuit Court to prevent the opening of a Meramec Aggregates’ mining operation, according to
The suit targets the ability of Meramec Aggregates, owned by Lyn Havin, to operate at a site located at 102/109 River Cabin Road on the south side of the intersection of Mill Hill Road and Cove Creek Road near St. Clair.
The group opposing the project has fought its approval every step of the way.
Meramec Aggregates requested a conditional use permit to operate a gravel mine late in 2016. The CUP was awarded despite opposition from Norman, Lynch and other members of the Concerned Citizens.
Lynch and the Concerned Citizens appealed the decision to the Franklin County Board of Zoning Adjustment. The permit was upheld in April.