Fairmount Santrol released its 10th annual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report, entitled “All In.” The 2015 report follows the new Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Guidelines. “To meet these guidelines, we conducted an assessment where we engaged internal and external stakeholders to identify and prioritize Fairmount Santrol’s most significant sustainability-related impacts, risks and opportunities,” the company said.
This report celebrates the accomplishments of the company and its collective commitment to sustainable development.
Some highlights of the 2015 CSR report include:
The company:
- Exceeded one million consecutive safe working hours for the third time in its history. Through December, the company accumulated a record of more than 1.5 million consecutive safe working hours.
- Beyond meeting business needs, employees dedicated more than 15,000 volunteer hours to the communities in which they live and work.
- Through ongoing successful field trials, the company’s Propel SSP technology is increasing oil and gas production while requiring less water, energy and chemicals than with traditional fluid systems.
- Company-wide, 30 of its facilities have now achieved zero waste to landfill, an increase of 12 facilities in 2015.
- The company invested in the planting of more than 132,000 trees, sequestering more than 100 percent of Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions.
- In 2015, frac sand volumes were down 5 percent over 2014 levels, compared to an estimated market decline of 23 percent.
- The company’ newly expanded 8.5-million-ton capacity Wedron, Ill., location, the industry’s largest and most state-of-the-art sand facility, was completed on time and within budget. This zero waste to landfill facility ensures our competitive position and ability to drive value for our customers, now and into the future.
“Since becoming a public company, we have been asked if our commitment to sustainable development will endure,” said President and Chief Executive Officer Jenniffer Deckard. “The answer is simple: ‘Yes.’”