By Mark S. Kuhar
Carmeuse’s alternative fuel project at its Grand River, Ohio, operation has earned the “Outstanding Alternative Fuel Project” award at the 8th Global CemFuels 2014 Conference, held in Vienna, Austria, at the end of February.
The annual CemFuels Conference is an important industry event that is attended by equipment vendors, cement and lime manufacturers, fuel suppliers, academics and researchers from around the world.
In open voting, conference attendees, as well as others, considered nominees in four categories. The Grand River Project was eligible for and won in the “Outstanding Alternative Fuel Project (cement or lime company)” category. Alternative fuels are viewed as a key means of addressing sustainability issues by lessening dependence on fossil fuels, and reducing CO2 emissions through use of “carbon neutral” biomass materials.
Installed in 2013, the Grand River alternative fuel system allows safe, efficient storage and conveyance of an alternative fuel known as VEXOR Engineered Fuel. The VEXOR fuel is delivered in walking floor trailers into the receiving station, then it is transferred into the storage bin where another set of walking floors moves the fuel to the front of the bin and feeds a drag chain conveyer.
The conveyer fills a distribution bin that splits the fuel so that it can be weighed and fed simultaneously into both kilns. Each kiln can be supplied with 5 tph. This equates to 3.8 tph/kiln of coal that can be substituted with alternative fuels. As a result, the operation uses less coal and reduces its exposure to volatile coal prices and supply issues.
The alternative fuel project at the Grand River facility is indicative of the companywide commitment Carmeuse has made to improving fuel efficiency, reducing carbon footprint, and conducting business in a manner that sustains people and the environment.
EPA Solicits Comments on Action Plan for RE-Powering America’s Land
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is seeking public comments on the draft action plan for its RE-Powering America’s Land Initiative. The plan guides EPA’s efforts over the next two years to encourage renewable energy development on current and formerly contaminated lands, landfills and mine sites when such development is aligned with the community’s vision for the site.
The cleanup of contaminated land and the production of renewable energy will provide long-term improvements to air quality in communities, while protecting public health.
In 2010, the RE-Powering America’s Land Initiative published its first management plan to provide a useful framework to engage stakeholders on the potential to site renewable energy on contaminated lands and track progress. This second action plan, Action Plan 2.0, identifies activities planned for the next two years.
The agency solicited comments on the proposed plan for 30 days. The comment period ended Friday, May 30.
EPA and Army Corps Propose to Expand Clean Water Act Jurisdiction
On April 21 the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers published a proposed rule that aims to clarify the definition of “waters of the U.S.” under the Clean Water Act which would significantly expand federal control of land and water resources across the nation – creating additional permitting and regulatory requirements. The public has until July 21 to submit written comments on the proposed rule.
EPA recently released a draft scientific report on the connectivity of water that is intended to guide the proposed rule. As part of the Waters Advocacy Coalition, Associated Builders and Contractors submitted comments on the report stating it provides no scientific support to make distinctions between significant connections and non-significant connections.
The report, along with the comments received, is undergoing an independent peer review by the Scientific Advisory Board Panel. The rule will not be finalized until the final version of the scientific assessment is complete.