Hire a Vet

RR111119 Vet

Nov. 11, 2019 – Today is Veteran’s Day. Aggregates operations, construction companies and manufacturers are all in the same boat when it comes to labor. Finding good people is difficult. One idea is to explore the new world of veteran recruitment. If you think that you’ve tried it, it doesn’t work for you, or there is no one to recruit in your area, then you simply aren’t up to date, according to the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM). Many companies find veterans to be more productive employees with lower turnover rates when compared to their non-veteran counterparts. Additionally, their past military background can give veterans distinctive capabilities and perspectives that can add insight and diversity to your team’s problem solving. Employers can also qualify for up to $10,000 in federal tax credits per veteran. And certainly the public relations benefits of caring for our veterans builds goodwill in the community. Read more about AEM’s efforts to hire veterans here.

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