Full Speed Ahead for New Canadian Quarry

Canadian aggregate-exploration-and-development company Highbank Resources Ltd., said that a crew at its Swamp Point North (SPN) quarry project recently returned to the site and is actively clearing snow, upgrading and maintaining roads, and logging/clearing further quarry area for stockpiles. The quarry is located on the Portland canal, south of Stewart, in Northwest British Columbia, Canada.

“Khtada Environmental Services LP monitoring personnel were on-site recently taking samples in compliance with the site’s Mines Act Permit,” said President and CEO Victor N. Bryant. “A supply barge left the Port of Prince Rupert, Wednesday morning to arrive later today. The barge manifest included specific winter weather materials – chains for the 30-ton rock trucks, corks/spikes for the bulldozer, winter camp supplies and additional large-diameter culvert pipes for appropriate road and drainage use.

“I will be arriving at the SPN project with Stan Spletzer, vice president of aggregate operations, and Bill Faulhaffer, Journeyman Quarry operations manager, who will be in charge of the day-to-day operations of our quarry,” Bryant said. “Also accompanying us will be a Micon International engineer to commence work on the PEA study as per our Feb. 16, 2015, news release.”

The SPN project crew was readying a move to the site for Feb. 1, 2015, when a significant snow event occurred. Presently, there is about three ft. of snow on-site.

“We can see no reason why we, as a Canadian company, are going to stop progress for snow,” Bryant said. “Additional crews are expecting to arrive to SPN to further enhance roads; excavate discharge settling ponds for the wash plant; commission the wash plant, move the jaw crusher to optimal positioning and commission the jaw crusher; install culverts for further water-runoff management; expand shoreline area for stockpiling and shipping finished aggregates; and last but not least, commission the quarry and plant to process through the first of many barge loads of aggregate for 2015 anticipated sales.”

The company has made equipment purchases that include two 35-ton Case haul trucks; a Caterpillar D8N bulldozer; a 27-ft. boat for moving personnel and supplies; a Ford 350 Truck equipped with welder, compressor and extensive tools; a cone crusher, jaw crusher and wash plant, as well as much ancillary equipment, according to the company.

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