Lehigh Seeking New Provisions

Changes to the Carroll County, Md., code regarding mining operations have been described as clarifications by Lehigh Cement Co., but some residents have argued the changes could have a significant impact on their community, according to the Baltimore Sun. A draft of the proposed changes now in front of the Board of Carroll County Commissioners for final approval is said to represent a compromise.

“Lehigh did indeed work with us to address our needs and at this point I see no reason that they won’t do that,” said Brian Mobley, chairman of the board for NEWCAP (New Windsor Community Action Project). On Oct. 2 the county Planning and Zoning Commission sent the mining provisions to the commissioners with a recommendation for approval after two months of discussing the topic.

The Town of New Windsor also submitted a letter to the county expressing its support for the provisions. County commissioners voted Oct. 10 to send the provisions to a public hearing.

Lehigh, a Union Bridge, Md.-based cement manufacturer, has requested the changes to the code as part of its New Windsor quarry expansion, which has been communicated to the public over the past five years. The requested change that has generated the most dispute involved the definition of “extractive operations.” 

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